主页 / 文章 / 网站创建 / 如何外包您的网站开发工作


你可能刚刚开始 网络存在 并且需要一个新站点。 或者,也许您是现有的网站所有者,希望您的网站可以变得更好。 在很多情况下,我敢肯定你已经玩弄过 外包 您的 Web 开发,无论是全部还是部分。

在您进一步阅读之前,我必须让您知道我属于企业应该 始终专注于他们的核心能力。 This means that if your main income is to come from activities other than web development, then outsource your web development!这意味着,如果您的主要收入来自网络开发以外的活动,则将您的网络开发外包!


要制作您的第一个网站? 不妨尝试无代码网站构建器
有了像 Wix 的构建器,你无需任何编码技能创建网站。它配备 800 多个设计模板,让您通过移动设备管理网站 > 点击这里,免费试用 Wix





While many people might say it's just nit-picking over terminology, web design and development aren't really the same thing.虽然许多人可能会说,这只是术语的精挑细选,但网站设计和开发并不是一回事。 Design pertains to the aesthetics of the site – how nice it looks.设计与网站的美感有关-它看起来多么漂亮。


PSD 到 HTML / PSD 到 WordPress 不再起作用


设计师会使用类似的东西来起草网站的外观和感觉 Photoshop 然后将其交给开发人员将 PSD 文件转换为 HTML代码.

“适合所有人”的设计不再可行,除非您愿意花时间和金钱针对每种设备类型进行单独的设计和开发, PSD转HTML不再现实.


看看 WordPress 例如并考虑这个事实。 使用模板可以减轻很多设计负担,其中许多是响应式的,这意味着模板可以适应各种屏幕格式。

不要误会我的意思,你仍然可以这样做,事实上你甚至可以把你的 PSD 文件变成 WordPress 模板,但这值得麻烦吗?




Remember: Web developers are the same as other business owners – they are experts in their own field.切记:Web开发人员与其他企业主相同–他们是各自领域的专家。 What you need is to be able to pass on your expertise in your domain to them and allow them to transfer that knowledge into their technical design.您需要的是能够将您在领域中的专业知识传递给他们,并允许他们将这些知识转移到他们的技术设计中。




  • 延迟项目时间表
  • 建议的设计变更
  • 内部人员将需要分配时间与开发人员联系
  • 至少有少量成本超支



Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how can you tell if a web developer is a right fit for you?既然我们已经解决了这个问题,那么您如何判断Web开发人员是否适合您? It's not as easy as it seems.这并不像看起来那么容易。

Aside from the usual spam from Nigerian Princes and the IRS asking me to reclaim millions attributed to me somehow, over the past years I have started getting spam from web developers as well.除了来自尼日利亚王子和美国国税局的常见垃圾邮件,我要求以某种方式收回数百万归因于我的垃圾邮件,在过去的几年中,我也开始从Web开发人员那里获取垃圾邮件。 These are usually individuals and the spam has even evolved to cold calls trying to sell their services.这些通常是个人,垃圾邮件甚至演变成试图出售其服务的冷门电话。

There are literally thousands of web development companies around today and an even greater number of freelance web developers.如今,实际上有成千上万的Web开发公司和更多的自由Web开发人员。 The problem is finding the right one to work with you on your website.问题是在您的网站上找到合适的人与您合作。


  • 询问他们参考 –所有的网络开发公司都可以提出自己的一个不错的网站并进行宣传,但事实证明拥有满意的客户。 Check up on those references and take note of their comments.检查这些参考,并记下他们的评论。
  • 评估沟通流程 –询问工作沟通流程。 I once worked with a developer who had a very siloed approach – I communicated with their support staff, who communicated with their technical staff and separate other people handled billing, complaints and so on.我曾经与一个开发人员非常孤立的开发人员一起工作–我与他们的支持人员进行了沟通,他们与他们的技术人员进行了沟通,并由其他人来处理账单,投诉等。 The process was painfully slow and many times confusing.该过程非常缓慢,而且令人困惑。
  • 适合您的预算 –与一个较小的开发商合作通常会很诱人,后者向您保证月亮和星星的微不足道。 Comparatively, a bigger, more reputable company might be leery of some of the things you require – listen to both sides realistically and impartially before deciding on the level of risk you're willing to assume.相比之下,规模更大,信誉更好的公司可能对您需要的某些东西持怀疑态度–在决定您愿意承担的风险级别之前,要切实听取双方的意见。




Codeable 成立于 2012 年,最初聘请有才华的人,然后将他们聘用给那些需要临时网站支持的人。 今天,它们已经演变成为有需要的人提供的最佳资源之一 WordPress 技能。

They have simplified the freelancing system to reduce the time and effort needed to find the right skills.他们简化了自由职业系统,以减少寻找合适技能所需的时间和精力。 All you need to do is tell them what you want and they will help you find the right talents and quote a single price – backed with a guarantee.您需要做的就是告诉他们他们想要什么,他们将帮助您找到合适的人才,并以统一的价格报价–并提供保证。

*注意–我们与Codeable合作,并拥有 内置的报价单在这里。 Submit your project details and ask for 1) a free quotation, and 2) developer recommendation;提交您的项目详细信息,并要求XNUMX)免费报价,以及XNUMX)开发人员推荐; using this form.使用此表格。 


  • 合理的时薪在$ 70到$ 120之间
  • 单一价格估算有助于减轻成本负担
  • 遍布60多个国家的专业自由职业者
  • 28天错误修复保修


  • 按小时收费,另加17.5%服务费
  • 服务费概不退还
  • 只有 WordPress 可用的特定技能


As a freelancing network specialized in code gurus, Stack Overflow started way back in 2008. They have been growing to the extent of having gone through four rounds of funding to the tune of $70 million.作为专注于代码专家的自由职业者网络,Stack Overflow始于50,000年。它们经过四轮融资达到XNUMX万美元之后,一直在增长。 Today, they boast a network of more than XNUMX developers.今天,他们拥有超过XNUMX名开发人员的网络。

What makes them unique in the freelancing network space is their Q&A model which allows you to simply ask questions and participate in knowledge sharing.他们在自由职业者网络空间中的独特之处在于他们的问答模型,该模型允许您简单地提出问题并参与知识共享。 The site is a congregation point for skilled developers who willingly participate in Q&A sessions.该站点是愿意参加问答环节的熟练开发人员的聚集点。


  • 无需额外费用-仅支付自由职业者的费用
  • 大型社区推动的问答数据库
  • 允许职位发布


  • 传统的工作清单结构可找到自由职业者

外包平台#3- Fiverr

Fiverr 人才 编程 和技术(在线访问).

Fiverr是另一种资源,可让您浏览自由职业者库,以获取从内容创建到社交媒体支持的所有内容。 They allow freelancers to create offers which can then be chosen by you.他们允许自由职业者创建要约,然后您可以选择这些要约。 Alternatively, you can create a job (post a 'request') that you specifically need and allow Fiverr freelancers to bid on it.或者,您可以创建自己特别需要的工作(发布“请求”),并允许Fiverr自由职业者竞标。

For every transaction, Fiverr will take its cut in the form of a fee that's tacked on to the final price.对于每笔交易,Fiverr都会以固定在最终价格上的费用的形式进行削减。 The fee varies depending on value of transaction.费用视交易金额而定。 Because of a reputation system, Fiverr freelancers can be aggressive in trying to meet job requirements.由于建立了信誉系统,Fiverr自由职业者可以积极满足工作要求。


  • 多种技能类型和水平可用
  • 作业浏览可以成为您所需想法的来源
  • Fiverr保留付款,直到您对完成的工作感到满意为止


  • 存在一些过时的过帐
  • 价格范围宽泛
  • 一些卖家可能不熟练

外包平台#4- Toptal


This network's claim to fame is that it helps you outsource work to the cream of the freelance web developer crop.该网络之所以声名远播,是因为它可以帮助您将工作外包给自由的Web开发人员。 They have managed to pool together talents covering every skill that could possibly be need for a website, even designers.他们设法汇集了涵盖网站可能需要的所有技能的人才,甚至包括设计师。



  • 才华横溢的开发人员和设计师的重要资源
  • 迎合各种规模的企业
  • 对多个级别的自由职业者进行预筛选–技能,语言,职业道德等
  • 所有自由职业者的免费试用期


  • 每小时价格在60美元到210美元之间可能会变得昂贵
  • 需要注册才能浏览人才

外包平台#5- Gun.io


Gun.io试图通过将其技能贡献给自由雇佣过程来打破传统的痛苦技能入职过程。 They pool highly experienced talents (no newbies here) that are willing to work on a contract basis and vets them then helps find the right fits for both the freelancers and you.他们汇集了经验丰富的人才(这里没有新手),他们愿意按合同工作,然后对他们进行审核,然后帮助他们找到适合自由职业者和您的合适人选。

They don't have lists of freelancers that you can brose through but work with those who want to hire directly.他们没有您可以浏览的自由职业者列表,但与想要直接雇用的人一起工作。 One call to help them on a fact-finding mission will result in them finding the exact right person for the job.致电帮助他们进行实况调查的电话将导致他们找到该职位的确切人选。


  • 仅经验丰富的自由职业者
  • 经过预先审查和评估的候选人
  • 无需浏览列表即可找到所需内容
  • 48小时内的才艺比赛


  • 成本根据雇用时间而定–短期雇用可能会很昂贵

外包平台#6- Upwork


Upwork更多地是一个多混合自由职业者网站,而不是Web开发专家。 They offer everything from web development to accounting, specializing in remote workers who are available from anywhere around the globe.他们提供从Web开发到会计的一切服务,专门针对全球各地的远程工作者。

The way it works is much like the traditional job board listing format, where talents of all kinds are pooled and then categorized for you to find.它的工作方式与传统的工作委员会列表格式非常相似,在该格式中,汇集了各种人才,然后将其分类以供您查找。 Aside from freelancers, agencies are also listed here and that gives talent seekers an extra option as well.除自由职业者外,代理机构也在此列出,这也为求职者提供了更多选择。


  • 提供多种技能水平
  • 提供多种技能


  • 需要注册才能浏览自由职业者
  • 您可以看到的内容受注册套餐的限制(价格从免费到每月499美元不等)
  • 高达13%的处理费间接费用


What I mean here is that you need to have a vision for your website.我的意思是,您需要对网站有一个构想。 What are your intentions?你的意图是什么? Do you want your website to simply be informational and support your primary place of business, or are you looking to use it as a virtual extension of your business?您是否希望网站只是提供信息并支持您的主要营业地点,还是希望将其用作您的业务的虚拟扩展?


Once you've decided what needs to be on your site, make sure to convey his information clearly to your web developer.一旦确定了站点上需要的内容,请确保将其信息清楚地传达给Web开发人员。 While looks are important, don't get carried away and focus overly much on your site design.尽管外观很重要,但不要过分专注于网站设计。



Work with your developer to come up with a timeline that is acceptable to both of you.与开发人员一起制定出双方都可以接受的时间表。 At each stage, there should be an evaluation point to make sure you can call a time out in case you feel something is not going the way it should.在每个阶段,都应该有一个评估点,以确保您可以超时,以防万一您觉得事情没有按照预期进行。


A standard website development milestones.一个标准的网站开发里程碑。 Each web design project is unique but this is a good reference for users who are establishing their project milestones for the first time (每个网页设计项目都是唯一的,但这对于第一次建立项目里程碑的用户来说是一个很好的参考(来源).


By now you probably realize that your website can be an invaluable tool you can build even more business activities around.到现在为止,您可能已经意识到您的网站是一个非常有价值的工具,您可以围绕它建立更多的业务活动。 Because of that, you are going to be committed to it in many ways.因此,您将在许多方面致力于这一工作。 Having a contract protects both your investment as well as the web developer's interests.签订合同既可以保护您的投资,也可以保护Web开发人员的利益。



Once you have your website, it is usually the norm that occasionally, some things might go wrong.建立网站后,通常会偶尔出现一些错误。 Keeping a good relationship with your developer will help ensure that any bugs or other problems you have will be resolved quickly.与开发人员保持良好关系将有助于确保快速解决所有错误或其他问题。

It also further builds on trust and gives you a good option in case you ever decide to add a 'Phase 2' to your website.它还可以进一步建立信任,并在您决定向网站添加“第二阶段”时为您提供一个不错的选择。 The guys who built it will usually be able to develop it further on a shorter timeline and with less resources.通常,构建它的人将能够在更短的时间范围内以更少的资源进一步开发它。


来源: 企业家通过外包扩大业务

作为市场顾问 信条,约翰很难与其他为客户提供“规模”保证的公司竞​​争。

他每天自己能完成的事情是有限的,因此决定外包给 WordPress 开发人员。



  1. 选择错误的伙伴
  2. 建立不切实际的预算
  3. 没有明确定义关键目标
  4. 在开发过程中过于“放手”
  5. 不围绕您的网站制定营销计划


Every business is different, both in what they do and what point there are at in it.每项业务在做事和目的上都是不同的。 If you're wondering if outsourcing is the right choice for you, it likely is.如果您想知道外包是否是您的正确选择,那可能是正确的。 What you should be looking at is much of what I've covered in this article.您应该看的是本文中我已经介绍的大部分内容。

Don't get me wrong – the outsourcing path isn't lined with roses and contains more than its fair share of thorns.不要误会我的意思–外包的道路上没有玫瑰花,而且包含的荆棘多。 However, at the end of the day, if it is done right then you'll have gained an extremely professional asset to your core business activities.但是,归根结底,如果操作正确,那么您将在核心业务活动中获得极为专业的资产。

The key difference between outsourcing or not lies in a few fundamentals.外包与否之间的主要区别在于几个基本原则。 If you outsource, rather than focusing on technical competencies that you'll never need again, you instead build on other good management qualities – communication and project planning.如果您外包,而不是专注于您不再需要的技术能力,那么您将建立在其他良好的管理素质上-沟通和项目计划。



作者:Jerry Low
